Communications Request

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Have something to share?

There are several ways to get your news to the members of St. Mark's and the wider community.

*Weekly bulletin announcements
*Verbal announcements during services
*Weekly email newsletter (St. Mark's Weekly Happenings)
*Facebook, Instagram
*Submit to the diocese for wider dissemination

Here are the guidelines for each:

1. Announcements for the bulletin must be submitted to Sara by Wednesday at noon for inclusion in the following Sunday’s bulletin. For announcements that you wish to have run more than once, please include the dates you’d like to have it run. Please limit your notice to 80 words; all notices are subject to editing for clarity, style, and length. Announcements can be published in the bulletin up to four times. Please fill out the form below.

2. All requests to make a verbal announcement during services must be approved in advance by the wardens. Keep your announcement to one minute or less. 

3. Announcements for the St. Mark's Weekly Happenings email newsletter must be submitted to Sara by Wednesday at noon. A special edition email can be sent out for major events which may need an extra push, but no more than one special edition per event. Please fill out the form below.

4. For announcements to 20s & 30s/campus ministry people or Sunday School parents, please contact the office

5. Website changes, additions, edits, announcements, etc. can be submitted at any time. Website changes will be made as soon as possible, but there may be up to 7 days between submission and execution, so please provide information as early as possible. Please fill out the form below.

6. Facebook or Instagram posts can be made on any Monday, Wednesday, or Friday, or scheduled in advance for other days. Please fill out the form below.

7. If you would like your event to be shared with the diocese, please let us know and we will share it with them.

All submissions are subject to editing, and pictures are encouraged wherever appropriate. If you have any questions, please contact the office at 414-962-0500 or
Submit Your Announcement

Please include the date(s) and time for your event. Also, make sure to note who to contact for more information (with contact phone or email). 

If this is for an event held at St. Mark's, please make sure to schedule the event with Sara before making any announcements about the event.
Please select all that apply.


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